Saturday 18 April 2015

Me Made May '15

It's that time of year again, May is nearly here.  I've participated in all be the first MMM I think, although me documenting of it has been somewhat patchy.  I know the point of the challenge is to wear the clothes you make, but there is something satisfying seeing evidence of just what you worn, the only problem is...I hate having my photo taken.

Clothes will be worn, whether they get photographed or not we will just have to see.  So her is my pledge

'I, Katrina of, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavour to wear only me made clothes with the exception of underwere and outerwear each day for the duration of May 2015'

I already wear the clothes I make a great deal of the time, so I have made pledge a little harder for myself.  And it will be somewhat hard, mostly because of my love of pattern.  My me made clothes don't always go with each other, they go with the RTW clothes that I have.

I also want to try and use the pledge to find out what holes I have in my self made wardrobe and why there are approximately 30 self made items in my wardrobe I seldom or never wear.  It would also be good If I could use it to reignite my blogging mojo.